Friday, January 11, 2008

Valient Thorr

Update: I must have done something right. Someone from Volcom thinks that Valient Thorr are worth looking at on my little blog. Valient Himself thinks that Volcom should treat The 27th of Never to some promo material in order for Nil to review it.

These guys are my new heroes. Not just anyone can pull off cymbal chokes by both guitarists and the bass player. Their live shows look like fun.

From Wikipedia:
The group has based their band backstory on a conspiracy theory and changed part to fit in with the band, which consists of the band crash landing their spaceship in North Carolina in 1957. They became stranded there because Walt Disney stole their time machine. Also, according to this story, they are from Burlatia, which is located in the three rivers inside the planet Venus.

Valient Thorr - Man Behind The Curtain

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